Trailermontage: Onze Natuur - De film

HOODIE Seizoen 2 & 3

Campus 12 Season 3
Editing & visual effects for episodes 1 - 28.
A Studio 100 series for youngsters.

Plopsa: Dinosplash
Compositing a T-Rex into an themepark.

Plopsaland - Opening na Corona
An informative video for the reopening of the Plopsa themeparks after the Corona lockdown. I've edited this video for Bluemotion Pictures, commissioned by Plopsa. Editing, graphics & grading.
Shot & directed by Tommy Vuylsteke.

Showreel 2020
my video editing showreel.

Dancing with the Stars Backstage
Editing social media content for Dancing with the Stars 2018 & 2019. Providing a backstage look & interviews with the contesting celebrities. In 2018, the items I edited were played in a facebook livestream & on demand on the website VIER.be. In 2019 all content was created for VIER.be, instagram & facebook.
I worked on this job for CK Productions, commissioned by SBS Belgium for the TV-Channel VIER.

Heylen Group Corporate image film.
Editing for a corporate image film.
Production: Medialife
Producer: Deborah Vochten
Director: Peter Bostoen
Camera: Benjamin Thys
Grading: Kene Illegems

Campus 12 Season 2
Editing & visual effects for episodes 37 - 52.
A Studio 100 series for youngsters.

Pukkelpop TV 2019
This year, I was editing for the Pukkelpop TV Broadcasts & social media. Editing multiple short EFP items. To conclude all, a voxpop video was edited with multiple reactions of all the guests of the music festival, what they thought of this years edition.
On this job, I've worked for CK Productions.

Campus 12: Videoclip "We can make it".
Editing the videoclip "We can make it" for the Belgian television series Campus 12, by Studio 100.

Visit Genk
Edited these commercials for Visit Genk.
Production: Medialife
Director: Deborah Vochten
Camera: Enno Jambers/Pieter Hellemans
Editor: Erik Hamblok

Lites underwater film studio's
Editing on location for Lites, for the opening of their brand new, high-end underwater film studio's. I was hired to edit press kit video's & social media video's.

Maasmechelen Village: Let's Go Logo.
Edited this social media campaign video for Maasmechelen Village.
Production: Medialife
Camera: Benjamin Thys
Editor: Erik Hamblok
Graphics: Floris Thijs

VAB Fietsendiefstal
We've shot & edited a candid camera video, to promote a bicycle insurance.

Campus 12 Season 1
Video editing & visual effect for half the episodes of season 1.
A Studio 100 series for youngsters.

Pukkelpop 2018 - Official Aftermovie
Editing the official aftermovie for the music festival Pukkelpop 2018

LRM - Jaarvergadering
Edited this corporate video for LRM. Part of their yearly presentations.
Production: Medialife
Director: Stijn Meuris

Toerisme Limburg: Altijd welkom
A commercial for Tourism Limburg I've edited.
Production: Medialife
D.O.P.: Phillipe Rodiers

Pukkelpop 2017 - Official Aftermovie
Edited this aftermovie for Pukkelpop 2017.

Mijn Pop-up restaurant 2017
I was part of the editing team for the realityshow Mijn Pop-up Restaurant 2017, broadcasted on the flemish tv-channel VTM.

FOX Recaps
Edited a few recaps of episodes from American Horror Story S6 and Empire S3.

4x7: Kids van het Kids
A documentary from Stijn Coninx, produced by Medialife, for the television series 4X7 broadcasted on Canvas (Belgium).
A documentary about the difficulties teaching deaf children.

wings for life - belgium - recap
I edited this recap video for the Wings for Life world run, belgian edition.
Production company: CK Productions

imagofilm Sint-Truiden
Image film city of Sint-Truiden.
Directed by: Emilie Verhamme
DOP: Philippe Rodiers
Editor: Erik Hamblok
Production company: Medialife
Agency: Idearte

Miss Belgium 2016
Filming on location in Egypt, and editing for the Miss Belgium 2016 broadcast show.
Production: DB Video

World Chocolate Masters
Onsite video-editing: creating every 3-4 hours of the event a video that highlights the past events.

Mijn Mijnverhaal - Toerisme Limburg
Edited 8 testimonials about the coalmining heritage in the belgian province Limburg.
Production: Medialife
Agency: Impuls Communication
Client: Toerisme Limburg

Tomorrowland live 2015
Short moodclips edited for the livestream broadcast of the dancemusicfestival Tomorrowland in Belgium.

Tomorrowland Live: Brasil 2015
Video editing on location for Tomorrowland Brasil. A few moodclips I edited for one of the main sponsors of the festival: Skol Beats.
Production: CK Productions

Videoclip Slongs Dievanongs - iFoon
Videoclip I edited for Slongs Dievanongs.
Produced by: Hans Francken - PopVilla
Camera & Directed by: Kristof De Wit - Super 8 Cameracrew
Light & Assist: Alain Jongen
Editing: Erik Hamblok
Videoclip for FruityLabel exclusively licensed to Sony Music Entertainment Belgium NV/SA

Videoclip: Emma Bale - All I Want
Edited this videoclip for Emma Bale, shot by Kristof De Wit.
Shot on Red Epic, edited on adobe Premiere pro CC14
Producer Hans Francken
DOP Kristof De Wit
Editing: Erik Hamblok
1st AC Vincent-Aaron Segers
Electro Alain Jongen
Grip Nathan Lederman
Styling Amke Rijkenbarg
Catering Michiel Govaert
Kesselse Heide Bart Moons
Thanks to : Bruno Sluyts, An Houben, Provinciale Groendomeinen Regio Antwerpen, Herman Wolfs, Lies Van Riel, Sally De Donder, Bart Depreitere, Benjamin Stuyven,
www.superacht.be, Het Wilde Westen BVBA

Slongs Dievanongs - Ik wil mier
Edited this videoclip for Slongs Dievanongs, shot by Kristof De Wit.
Shot on Red Epic. Edited on Adobe Premiere in 5K.
Focus puller: Vincent-Aaron Segers
DOP: Kristof De Wit
Regie: Benjamin Stuyven
Editing: Erik Hamblok
Produktie: Celine Van Aken
photography: http://www.labnoord.be
Thanks: Louis Thyssen, Alain Jongen, www.superacht.be, Het Wilde Westen BVBA
Big up! Civalizee/Zologie/Multatuli-posse, Scale, Roustics and Hicham 1&2
Lyrics: Slongs Dievanongs
Production: Houcemate
Add. Production:Hans Francken @ http://www.popvilla.be
Mix: Guy Maes @ popVilla

Tomorrowland TV 2014
Editing hourly recaps of the Tomorrowland festival during the live broadcasting on Youtube.
Production: CK Productions

Nostalgie - De zomer start nu
For the Belgian radiostation Nostalgie, I shot & edited this commercial, directed by Roland Javornik.
Directed by Roland Javornik
D.O.P. & Editor - Erik Hamblok
MUA - Daisy Bex
Production - Medialife
Client - Nostalgie

Altitude - Elevating
Edited this musicvideo for Altitude.
Director of Photography: Julie Helsen

Nostalgie - Vlaandere kiest
With the belgian elections coming up, it was time to vote the best songs on radio station Nostalgie. For this commercial, I shot the images directed by Roland Javornik.
Director - Editor: Roland Javornik
DOP - Erik Hamblok
Gaffer - Frederik Knapen
Production - Medialife

Miss Belgium 2014
I worked as a cameraman/video-editor for the beautycontest Miss Belgium. Filming & editing the presentationfilms of the contestants & creating the graphical visuals for the television broadcast.
Production: Medialife

Slongs Dievanongs - Ik zen ni de bank
Edited the music video "Ik zen ni de bank" by Slongs Dievanongs for Sony Music Belgium.
D.O.P.: Pieter Van Alphen
Assistant : Julie Verresen
Light : Alain Jongen
Editing: Erik Hamblok
Hair & make-up: Ingvild Bauweraerts

Slongs Dievanongs - Lacht nor mij
Edited the musicvideo Slongs Dievanongs for Sony Music Belgium. Shot by Kristof De Wit.
Production: Hans Franken - Pop Villa

Krossbreed - Fall From Grace
I edited this music video for Krossbreed.
Director of Photography: Julie Helsen

Tomorrowland TV 2012
2012 was the first year the musicfestival Tomorrowland went Live on Youtube for 5 hours a day. I edited multiple EFP clips for the broadcast.
Production: CK Productions